Hi, this is first article on this site in only English language.

I’m making it for all non-polish players to make it easier for them to navigate on this site.

So, i’ll translate to english basic words on this site, to make it easier for you.

First word is in polish, second in english.

First start from the menu:

Strona Główna – Home Page
Rozgrywki 3v3 – 3v3 Games
Rozgrywki 1v1 – 1v1 Games
Siatkówka – Volleyball
Transfery – Transfers
Wywiady – Interviews
Strona MŚ/Euro – World Cup/Euro Site
Mecz Gwiazd – Match of Stars
Kontakt – Contact

Now submenus:

Ekstraklasa – 1st division (sth like Premier League)
1. Liga – 2nd division
2. Liga – 3rd division
Puchar – Cup
Superpuchar – Super cup
Kluby – Clubs
Ranking – Ranking
Kary – Penalties
Sezon – Season
Edycja – Edition
Regulamin – Regulations
Tabela – Table
Terminarz – Schedule
Statystyki – Statistics
Klasyfikacja Strzelców – Top Scorers
Klasyfikacja Asystentów – Top Assistants


Nasza Ekipa – Our team
Stara strona – Old Website


By Ortega

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