Are you a new player and haven’t had time to get to know all the possibilities that the game offers you? Here you will find out everything you need to know, and you will also have the opportunity to ask any questions.

  • How do I make a color nickname?

Below is the color palette. You just need to add the code of the given color before the letter in your name.
^ 1 – red
^ 2 – green
^ 3 – blue
^ 4 – yellow
^ 5 – pink
^ 6 – turquoise
^ 7 – orange
^ 8 – gray
^ 9 – cyan
^ 0 – white

  • How do I change the T-shirt (puck appearance)?

Just go to the options and enter the code in the designated place. Different codes can be found on the internet or from other players. T-shirts from “Ball3D” game are compatible with “Head Goal”.

  • How do I make my own T-shirt?

If you feel up to creating unique graphics or using an Internet-ready one, then nothing stands in the way. Create your own project with dimensions of 128x128px in a suitable program, register on this page:, add your t-shirt (preferably add two in other colors), submit, then it will generate you there is a code that will allow you to use this t-shirt in the game, but first you will have to wait (up to a few days) for the moderators to accept your design. Remember that T-shirts with the real club crest or other logo (company, game or anything else) to which someone has property rights are rejected.

  • How do I create my own team or join an existing one?

You can create a team by inventing so-called the tag you add in front of your nickname. You also need to remember that the tag is only an shortcut of the full team name. Example: Full team name – Ball Blasters; tag – BB; final effect – BB Vigger. Joining an already existing team is usually not that easy. The easiest way is to post an announcement on our group in the Steam chat or discord on a channel created for this and wait. You can also ask the captains of various teams in the game if they are looking for players (in this case you have to reckon with many refusals), create a server that will inform you that you are looking for a club, and count on someone to come for you or you will be distinguished in front of the crowd that some captain will personally offer you tests for his club.

  • How to recruit players if I created my club?

The easiest way is to post an announcement on a dedicated channel on our group, in a Steam chat or discord, and wait for interested players. You can also ask free players (who have no tag before their nickname) whether they are interested in playing for your club. You can also create a server to recruit to your team, eg “I’m looking for players (position, club). When you find a suitable candidate, let him play a few matches with your team or watch him on” regular “servers to assess his skills.

  • What are the standards in this game in terms of the number of players, field size and time?

On a small pitch (classic) one should play 1v1 to 8 goals. On a big 3v3, 3-5 minutes. 2v2 and 4v4 are not recommended. These are the standards, but nobody forbids anyone to play differently.

  • Is there any group that brings together the entire community?

Yes, we have a Steam chat group with almost every regular Head Goal player and most of the game information. To join, ask about adding one of the regular players, or write in the appropriate thread in Steam discussions, and someone will definitely add you. We also have a discord, which, however, is mainly used to add replays and screenshots from matches there. Link to discord:

  • Will there be any kind of tournaments and leagues?

Yes, tournaments and leagues have been organized for a long time by the Head Goal League. They are played mainly in 1v1 and 3v3 formats, but also 2v2 sometimes. Each player can participate in them, and all information about them can be found on our website

  • What about volleyball?

This mode is not very popular, HGL tried to create Volleyball games, but there was too little interest in them.

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t do well at the beginning of your adventure with “Head Goal”. Each of us started out once, and the game is so simple that you will quickly jump to the highest level. If you have a problem with anything, don’t be afraid to ask! The vast majority of our community is kind to new players. Good luck!

Author of the “guide”: SzopeN
“The Guide” updated by: Ortega; raY

By Ortega

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