HG 1v1 Tournament for Newcomers | Regulations


1.1 The games will be played in the knockout system.
1.2 Only players with less than 20 official HGL matches can participate in the tournament


2.1 The matches will be played in the 1v1 format.
2.2 Allowed field – Small.
2.3. Allowed Ball – Normal 01 or other by mutual agreement (not including fire ball).
2.4 We play two halves with 8 goals each.
2.5 If at the end of the regular competition time there is a tie, extra time (2 × 2 goals) must be played, and if it does not result in a tie, we play to score one goal (golden goal).
2.6 The players themselves arrange matches on the indicated date.
2.7 If you have any problems when arranging matches (e.g. no response for a long period of time), please inform the organizer.
2.8 We send the results of the meetings in the form of photos of the final statistics or recordings to the group on steam/discord.
2.9 If you do not receive a photo or video of a match – we consider that the match did not take place.
2.10 We play games at home and away or with the consent of both sides on a neutral host or one of the teams.
2.11. The delay for the agreed match is up to 15 minutes, after 15 minutes the player who is waiting for the opponent may apply for a forfeit.
2.12. If a player cannot appear at a pre-arranged match, the rescheduling depends only on the good will of the opponent.
2.13 Competition verification penalty as a forfeit means verification of the match result at 0:10 to the detriment of the penalized player.
2.14 If the goal difference at the end of the match is 10 or more to the detriment of the penalized player, then the actual score of the match will stand.


3.1 If, after the match has started, it is clearly evident that a player is inactive, then the match shall be restarted.
3.2 Starting a game (it is determined by the first several seconds of the game) is tantamount to agreeing to play it on a given server. Then it only depends on the goodwill of the other player whether they will agree to your request to interrupt / change the server. If he does not agree, the match must be continued. The competitor’s departure in this situation will be considered an escape.
3.3 A player leaving the match and not returning within 5 minutes is considered an escape.
3.4 It is of course possible for the other player to agree to play the rest of such a game on another date.
3.5 We can pause only during a break in the game (goal).
3.6 The maximum length of the pause is undefined, but when the opponent clearly extends it, the player may request that the pause be turned off (about 5 minutes).
3.7 We only resume play when the opponent is ready.
3.8 We do not chat during the match.
3.9 A player whose nickname in the match differs from that of the game records is considered ineligible.
3.10 During the meeting, it is forbidden to use the so-called “skins”, puck numbers are allowed.


4.1 Any attempt to cheat once detected will be severely punished.
4.2 In the event of a change of “nickname” compared to previous games organized by HGL, the player who changed the “nickname” is obliged to inform the organizers of this change.
4.3 Insulting league administrators will be taken very severely.
4.4 Ignorance of the regulations does not exempt from complying with them.
4.5 We reserve the right to change the regulations at any time during the league.
4.6 The final vote in any situation will always rest with the organizers.