HG Olympics – Crossbars Regulations


1.1 The tournament system will be two semi-final groups + one final group. The number of players in each group will be decided after registration ends.

Playing rules

2.1 Allowed field – Big.
2.2 An allowed ball – Normal 01 or other ball if player asks. (Except Fireball)
2.3 HGL Admin is necessary to start the game.
2.4 The player task will be to aim the crossbar from different distances.
2.5 We shoot on the goal on the right side of the pitch.
2.6 First distance is first Head Goal mark on the “band” in the background. Every next marker means next distance after passing the previous one.
2.7 HGL Admin will stand on the marker with pressed kicking button. (He can be replaced with some other player if Admin allows it)
2.8 Any shot that passes the marker and misses the crossbar will be considered a failed attempt.
2.9 Every player has 5 trials per one marker.
2.10 If 2 players failed on the same marker, winning player is one who had less tries on previous marker. If they had the same amount of tries, they play until someone will aim the crossbar.
2.11 The ball may bounce from the player holding the kick button, if it won’t go behind him, it’s not a failed attempt.
2.12 We recognize the crossbar hit as successful when:
a) There is a sound of the crossbar.
b) The ball evidently hit the side of the crossbar but there was no sound (This is judged by the admin)
2.13 The ball can’t hit the ground behind the marker before hitting the crossbar.
2.14 There is no time limit per one shot, but if players prolongs it too much, his trial can be cancelled.


3.1 Any attempt to cheat or making insults once detected will be severely punished.
3.2 In the event of a change of “nickname” compared to previous games organized by HGL, the player who changed the “nickname” or his team captain is obliged to inform the organizers of this change. In the absence of such information, both the player and his captain may be penalized.
3.3 Ignorance of the regulations does not exempt from obeying them.
3.4 We reserve the right to change the regulations at any time during the tournament.
3.5 The final vote in any situation will be made by HGL administrators.